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Your Service Provider for Lead Generation, Communication Solutions and Specialist Information

Your Expert in B2B Direct Marketing for over 90 years

Expansive B2B Direct Marketing Solutions from a single Source

A Specialist Media Publisher with extensive Expertise and a wealth of Industry Knowledge

As an established and reputable Publisher of Trade Media and a specialist Provider of Lead Generation Services, our primary aim is to create unique and personalised Solutions, to meet every challenge. With our exceptional strategic understanding, technical expertise, and precise awareness of effective B2B Direct Marketing Campaigns, we impart every promotional message with the desired Character. With an extraordinary strategic understanding, technical know-how and a flair for eye-catching B2B direct marketing campaigns, we give every advertising message the right character.

From Content Marketing to Print and Online Campaigns, to Outbound Telephony or Live Communication, our tailored B2B Direct Marketing Strategies create new, qualified and valuable Leads for your Business and consistently enhance your Visibility in the Marketplace.

Your Partner for Lead Generation with comprehensive Solutions.

Online Lead Generation, B2B Direct Marketing, Events or in Print.


Benefit from our exclusive Network of 16 Media Brands to put Your Solutions in the Spotlight, and expand your Brand Awareness with Print Advertisements, Advertorials, Ad Specials, and Special Placements.


As Experts in Lead Generation Services, we are dedicated to generating new Leads for your Business via personalised B2B Direct Marketing Solutions. We provide reliable support to your Sales Team and assist you in generating valuable and qualified Leads for your Products and Services.


Benefit from our extensive Expertise as a Trade Media Publisher with years of experience in the Conception, Planning, Marketing and Organisation of Professional Events, of all sizes. We are your capable Partner, from the initial stage of Planning to the successful Implementation of your Specialist Event.

Webinars and Web Sessions

As a Service Provider of Lead Generation Solutions with a focus on B2B Direct Marketing, we organise Industry-specific Webinars and Web Sessions. As a Guest Speaker, you have the opportunity to showcase your Solutions and reach out to potential Customers – with minimal wastage

Tailored B2B Marketing Solutions to meet your specific needs.

Do you have a unique Service or a complex Product that requires explanation?

As a dependable Lead Generation Service Provider and specialised Trade Media Publisher, creating bespoke solutions is at the very heart of our Expertise. We pool our unrivalled Organisational Knowledge to create Customised Solutions, working in direct collaboration with you.

Your Service Provider for Lead Generation since 1929

Our Strengths are your Advantages

For over 90 Years, Konradin Industry has been one of the largest providers of Expert Information in Germany, as a Specialist Media Publisher with over 400 Employees. Thanks to our extensive and unparalleled Industry Network, we facilitate a Target Group-Specific approach – in a cross-platform manner, from Print or Online to Physical or Hybrid Events. Our expertise in Lead Generation and Integrated Communications within the Industry makes us an indispensable Partner.

Cross-media Complete Solutions

Creative Communication

Effective Strategies

Networked Industrial Communication

Individual Support

Rapid Campaign Implementation

Our Media Brands – Plan for your Success

A Specialist Media Publisher with a multitude of powerful Brands

Das Logo von additive in orangener Schrift. Darunter ist der Claim „Die Plattform für additive Fertigung“ in grau abgebildet.
Das Logo der Automationspraxis auf einem weißen Hintergrund.
Das Wortbild-Logo der Beschaffung aktuell in einer dunkelblauen Schriftfarbe und einem roten Strich darunter.
Das Wordbild-Logo der „cav“ in Rot mit einem roten Pfeil nach rechts darunter.
Das Wortbild-Logo der „dei“ in Grün mit einem grünem Pfeil nach rechts darunter.
Das Wortbild-Logo der EPP: Die Buchstaben EPP in blauer Schrift auf weißem Hintergrund. Unter den Buchstaben ziert ein magentafarbenen Strich das Logo, der durch die blaue Schrift „Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik“ ergänzt wird.
Das Wortbild-Logo der EPPE: Die Buchstaben EPP in blauer Schrift auf weißem Hintergrund. Unter den Buchstaben ziert ein magentafarbenen Strich das Logo, der durch die blaue Schrift „Elektronik Produktion + Prüftechnik“ ergänzt wird.
Das Logo der ErgoMed. Auf der linken Seite ist ein hellblaues Rechteck auf dem zwei sich kreuzende Pflaster-Icons abgebildet sind. Rechts davon ist das Wort ErgoMed platziert. Darunter ziert der Claim „Praktische Arbeitsmedizin“ das Logo.
Das Logo der ein stilisiertes Symbol, das die Industrie repräsentiert.
Das Logo des Industrieanzeigers: Das Wort Industrie in dunkelblauer Schrift. Darunter in einer grau-kursiven Schrift das Wort Anzeiger.
Das Logo der KEM Konstruktion|Automation in einer blauen Schrift auf einem weißen Hintergrund.
Das Logo der mav: Die blauen Buchstaben mav stehen im Fokus und darunter ist der Claim „Innovationen in der spanenden Fertigung“ gesetzt.
Das Logo der Fachzeitschrift Medizin & Technik.
Das Logo der „phpro“ in hellblau mit einem ebenfalls hellblauen Strich darunter.
Das Wortmarken-Logo der Quality Engineering in petrol auf einem weißen Hintergrund.
Das Logo des Fachmagazins Sicherheitsbeauftragter: auf der linken Seite ist ein orangefarbenes Rechteck, auf dem ein Häkchen-Icon abgebildet ist. Rechts davon ist das Wort Sicherheitsbeauftragter zu erkennen.
Das Logo des Fachmagazins Sicherheitsingenieur: auf der linken Seite ist ein petrolfarbenes Rechteck mit einem Plakettenicon abgebildet. Rechts davon ist das Wort Sicherheitsingenieur zu erkennen.

Media Brand 2025

All Facts and Figures at a Glance

Our cross-media Solutions are custom-tailored to your specific needs and reflect our expertise as an experienced Trade Media Publisher and Lead Generation Service Provider.

Explore our cross-media B2B Direct Marketing Solutions and reach key decision-makers from all Industry Sectors – your precise Target-Group.

Specialist Media Publisher with many facets – get to know us.

Discover our 16 eminent Media Brands to achieve success in your Business.

Experience and Expertise

Your Service Provider for Lead Generation, Live, Print and Online Communication with unparalleled Knowledge.

Acquiring New Customers is key to any Company’s success. That’s why we have been supporting our Clients in identifying their Market Potential and breaking new ground in terms of innovative Communication Methods, for well over 90 years.
Thanks to our Team of around 400 Skilled Professionals, our Specialised Media Publishing Company is at the forefront of providing services for B2B Direct Marketing, Lead Generation, Expert Information, and efficient Communication. As an experienced Service Provider for Lead Generation, Live Communication and B2B Direct Marketing Services, we have a comprehensive understanding of Customer Acquisition. In order to reach potential Customers and build lasting Business Partnerships, we recognise the importance of Targeted Marketing Communications. Our extensive proprietary Database and invaluable Data Collection facilitates your Outreach and will help you realise your Market Potential.

Target Groups and Topics

Your Professional Media Publisher for a precise Target Group Approach in Industry

Our Trade Media covers a wide range of Topics and targets Executives and Specialists within various Industrial Sectors, including Occupational Safety, Automation, Mechanical Engineering and the Automotive Industry. As a Specialist and leading Service Provider for Lead Generation, our focus is on addressing your potential Customers in a highly Targeted manner, via the correct B2B Direct Marketing Channels. Whether it’s through E-Mail Marketing, Print or Online – we know precisely how to reach key decision-makers and win them over to your Products and Solutions. To this end, we develop a meticulously planned Campaign Strategy, create high-quality content, conceive and design user-friendly Landing Pages, all with the specific aim of promoting your Brand and your Solutions. To ensure optimal success, we consistently refine your campaigns, enabling you to attain outstanding Customer interactions.

Would you like more information about our B2B direct marketing services?

Inquire now!

Simply fill in our inquiry form and tell us about your request.

Our experts will promptly get in touch with you and discuss your communication potential.

After your ordner, our marketing experts will execute your campaigns.

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