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The media team for your success

Konradin Industry

Ernst-Mey-Str. 8
70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen

Your media consultants

We will gladly advise you

Andreas Hugel
Sales Director

Telefon +49 711 7594 472

Telefon +49 173 3539 259

„Thanks to our comprehensive channels, target groups and expertise our expertise, we support you to showcase your products and services in a targeted audience.“

Joachim Linckh
Sales Director

Telefon +49 711 7594 565

Telephon +49 173 3539 211

„Benefit from our well-known and reputable brands to enhance your successful marketing communication. We are excited to establish a strong, trustworthy, and cooperative partnership with you.“

Would you like more information about our B2B direct marketing services?

Inquire now!

Simply fill in our inquiry form and tell us about your request.

Our experts will promptly get in touch with you and discuss your communication potential.

After your ordner, our marketing experts will execute your campaigns.